WCGS & SMART2bfit Walk 4 Water

Fundraiser by WCGS/SMART2bfit

This fundraiser supports Water Well ($900 per well)

$0.00 remaining
$934 raised
103% of $900 goal

About This Fundraiser

Join WCGS and SMART2bfit as we end the year in service to learn more about scare areas around the world and raise funds to bring a fresh water well to a village in India.
Questions? Contact Madeline.cumbey@wascholar.com

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About Water Well ($900 per well)

Transformation 1040 provides drinking water to villagers who have little to no access to clean water. Most of the diseases in Bihar are carried through contaminated water from shallow, open wells. For $900 you can provide a fresh-water well to an impoverished village. Each well is dedicated to the village, giving a church planter the opportunity to tell villagers about Jesus, the Living Water.

GOAL: Provide 30 water wells.

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